Monday, October 27, 2008

Congratulations on activities and other aspects of long term care

Read about these staff members who bring excellence to their nursing home
Team challenge and reward
Health care team meets goal, receives national award in Nashville
By Valerie Cranston
Special to the Current-Argus
A team of six health care employees made a commitment to continuous improvement for the residents of the nursing home where they worked. Now their facility, Lakeview Christian Home, has been recognized with a national award.
Jody Knox, Lakeview chief executive officer, told the team that if they worked hard on the award application and won, she would take them all to Nashville to accept the award. That's just what happened earlier this month.
Lakeview was the recipient of the Quality Award from the American Health Care Association and the National Center For Assisted Living, for demonstrating a strong commitment to continuous quality improvement.
"Lakeview is fortunate to have many long-term employees who work very hard every day to make our residents' lives better. Their dedicated commitment to quality care is awesome, and what they do routinely the whole story
and a comment

Friday, October 24, 2008

Comment wherever you can to get nursing home activity volunteers

I just ran across this blog. I am hoping that the author will help me gain insight into getting a larger volunteer force for my Activities Department.
Do you have any ideas you would like to share?
Thanks for stopping by

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Helping Out(Volunteers from Duluth)

Duluth News Tribune
* Friendly visitors: Spend time with people in nursing homes, assisted living or individual home settings. Read the paper, talk about current events, go for a walk, share a craft or a cup of coffee. Orientation and training provided. For an application and more
the whole article

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The gift of music for those with Alzheimer's and other dementias

Chonicle Herald
Kate brings joy to people like Wayne, men and women with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias living at The Birches, a Musquodoboit Harbour nursing home. Two days a week, in one-on-one sessions, the Lawrencetown guitar and voice teacher plays memorable music for residents at the nursing home.
Intervention Through Music is a new program at The Birches, piloted for the whole article

Stories like this are ever present because music is a pwerful tool in soothing those with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Unlocking the past for seniors with dementia

Here is a story about an Activities Director and what she does for her clients with dementia
"Even though Janet has middle-stage Alzheimer's Disease, she can still remember how it feels to celebrate something that meant so much to her," Gaston said. Her approach is called person-centered care and its main principle is finding what an individual likes and tailoring the relationship around those trademarks.

For example, if a person loves the symphony, a caregiver could make their day by playing classical music and talking about his or her favorite composers. Or, if he or she was an editor, passing along a research paper to proof read might remind them of a time they fondly remember. Undoubtedly, those who have impaired memories can still continue to have passions, especially through the encouragement of those around them.

Retro thinking
Yesterday's medical model of care the whole article

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank you Activities Directors and other readers for making Alzheimer’s Disease: Early Detection Matters #1!

Because of the support of Activities Directors, other readers of this blog and a whole host of concerned individuals, the Alzheimer's Association has earned first place in the American Express Members Project.

The Alzheimer's Asociation will get 1.5 million dollars to begin an education campaign highlighting the importance of early detection among physicians and the general public. This is a positive step toward helping those who go undiagnosed for many years, losing valuable time that could be spent planning for the future and starting treatment.
click here for the whole story
Become an Alzheimer's Advocate

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A link to great sayings you can use with dementia residents

Completing famous sayings is a fun activity for residents with Alzheimer's, another dementia, or other long term care residents
Here is a link to a long list of sayings. LINK See how many your residents can complete

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Volunteers are important

If you live in the Tampa, Florida area, make sure to check out this article.
Making the World a Better Place

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do you want information and activity ideas about Sukkot?

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot has begun. It started last night. It is a lovely holiday.
Click here if you would like to see some activity ideas

Monday, October 13, 2008

October activity ideas

Activities Directors, caregivers, and others resposible for activities
Residents' Rights Week is over. I hope you and your residents had an enjoyable week.

Now it is time to move on to other October activity endeavors

Next on the agenda is Columbus Day. I did not see to many activities on the web so I designed some I think you will enjoy.

First read this article about Columbus Day by clicking here

Then you can go to here to learn about a game for those with dementia, about Columbus Day. Also included are other October activities

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Want volunteers visiting your nursing home?

Saturday, Oct. 25, marks the 18th annual Make a Difference Day, a national event sponsored by USA Weekend magazine.

Millions of Americans are expected to take part by volunteering for a host of activities to enrich their neighborhoods and communities.

Whether by knitting sweaters for the poor, entertaining nursing-home patients..

Contact your local paper or city hall to let them know that your facility would like volunteers to visit your residents

click here to read the whole story

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Post a comment and get a volunteer

As an Activities Director, do you routinely search the web for possible volunteer for your long term care facility. I did and am hopeful that a volunteer with her dog will be coming soon.

Click here

Friday, October 10, 2008

Good ways to engage dementia folks in poetry

Even though these ideas were written for children, using these ideas will help engage those with dementia in poetry reading and writing. Poetry is an excellent creative outlet for many folks with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Click here for the link

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do you recruit volunteers for activities?

Friend to Friend: Volunteers needed to visit adults in nursing homes, assisted living and retirement homes throughout King and Snohomish counties. Volunteers commit to visit about twice a month for one year. 206-246-5150.
more info in paper

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dementia and Residents' Rights Week

Many people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias are long term care residents. If you know someone living in a nursing home or assisted living facility make sure you visit them this week(October5-11).

I am sure he/she contributed much to your community. Join the staff and other family members in honoring all the residents.

For an article about this click here

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How are you celebrating Residents' Rights Week?

Hopefully all activities directors throughout the country will be showcasing their long term care facility click here for a must read article

Friday, October 3, 2008