Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Top Ways to Successfully Calm an Agitated Person with Dementia

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Dementia is a brain disorder that affects a person's short term memory initially. However as this condition progresses other parts of the brain are affected. This can affect a person's communication skills and ability to do tasks he has done before,

He can also experience hallucinations and delusions. Because of these things, a person with dementia may become agitated. So it is best to know this person well, whether he is a family member, client, or a patient at a long term care facility. By knowing him, you will realize what things set him off and what things calm him down. Careful observation and asking those who are with this individual with dementia for most of the day, help you to know what strategies will work when trying to calm this person.

Your goal is to calm or soothe the person with dementia who is agitated. You do not want to exhibit behavior that may further agitate a dementia person. The best way to soothe an agitated person with dementia is not to have him get agitated in the first place. This requires that you anticipate his needs and wants. It also requires that you approach him in a certain way. You should use slow, deliberate movements and approach this individual from the side. Also you should make sure not to use gestures that may be misinterpreted as being threatening. In addition you need to know what the beginning of agitation looks like in this particular person with dementia. He may pace, ask repetitive questions, call out, grimace, become silent or a variety of other things.

If this person with dementia has trouble communicating, he may be experiencing pain, hunger or fear, He may be bored, tired or having an adverse affect from a medication he is taking.

You should always note the time, duration, frequency, severity and special features of a dementia person's agitation.

These strategies work to maintain calmness in a person with dementia, all of Top Ways to Successfully Calm an Agitated Person with Dementia

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