Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quilting, pottery and computer games 'may cut risk of dementia'

You as an activities director, other healthcare professional or caregiver should find this article to be of interest

Taking up hobbies such as quilting, pottery and even playing computer games in later life may substantially cut the risk of dementia, a new study suggests.
By Kate Devlin, Medical Correspondent
Crafts and other activities which exercise the brain, including reading novels and computer games, can all have a protective effect on the mind and help prevent memory loss, the study shows.

By contrast, watching television for hours on end significantly increased the chance of suffering problems, the research found.

Previous studies have shown that those with mentally demanding jobs and high levels of education were less likely to suffer the memory problems associated with the condition.

Researchers found that those with stimulating occupations were less at risk, even when they had physical damage to their brain cells.

The latest research will be seen as further proof that so-called "brain training" machines, such as the Nintendo DS advertised by Nicole Kidman, can help to delay the whole article

For more dementia information, click here

For Alzheimer's and dementia activities, click here

For information on being the best caregiver you can be, click here

For a great resource for those with dementia, caregivers and healthcare professinals, click here

1 comment:

  1. Not to sure what you are trying to say..I mean is it or is it not.

    Anyhow I know I am rambling but try to see it from someone reading it the first time without thinking about it first.
    Luwow Goldman
