Thursday, November 3, 2011

Veteran'sl Day-A perfect time to honor veterans with dementia

Activities directors and other healthcare professionals here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals.

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care  professionals to get an easyceu or two

Follow alzheimersideas on twitter

The Dementia Caregiver's Little Book of Hope [Kindle Edition]

Activities directors, other healthcare professionals and caregivers
I love holidays and here we have another opportunity to celebrate one.

I especially love patriotic holidays because most people with dementia identify strongly with patriotism.

Have a program to honor your veteran's. Let those with family members and friends that were veteran's tell about them at this activity

Everyone will feel good. Pass out some sort of certificate to them. Give all who are present some momento as well

As with all patriotic holidays,discuss symbols of patriotism.

I like to have a flag available.
Then I like to ask questions about the flag.
Here are some possible questions
*What color is the flag or are on the flag?
Side question
What other things are:
White and/or
Blue ?
*What shape is the flag?
Side question:
What other things are that shape?
Again if these questions are too hard then………Come back again for the answer and for more ideas

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