Monday, May 24, 2010

Activity Director Certification Requirements

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Activity directors and their staff provide residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult daycare centers and alike with meaningful activities. Federal law mandates that directors must be certified. The National Council of Certified Activity Professionals (NCCAP) is recognized by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as an organization that certifies activity professionals who work specifically with the elderly. NCCAP certification assures administrators of nursing homes and surveyors from CMS that a director has met the professional standards. There are several different ways to achieve certification.
Option 1
A bachelor's degree (must include English and other specific courses that are explained at the NCCAP website) is the educational criteria necessary for the option 1 track. In addition, you must have 4,000 hours of activity experience (may be as an assistant or provisional director) within the past five years. Besides this, you must have 30 hours of continuing education. The continuing education must include workshops, seminars, and in-services about human development, aging, spirituality, sociology, leadership, psychology leisure activities, computer use, regulations and a wide variety of other topics that relate to nursing homes, aging and activities. You must take the Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals (MEPAP).This can be done online or in person at a cost of about $1,200.
Option 2
To qualify as an ADC with the second option, you all of Activity Director Certification Requirements

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