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Emotions are one of the last things to be lost in a person with dementia. Although not all aspects of validation therapy work for a person with dementia, understanding the concept of it is useful to the dementia caregiver. Some parts of validation therapy work for most people with dementia. You, as a caregiver, must discover what portions are effective for the person you are taking care of.
Dementia, a brain condition, is characterized by a group of symptoms that cause changes in the functioning of the brain. The changes have to do with thinking, perception and learning. These changes affect decision making, judgment, memory, spatial orientation, thinking, reasoning, and communication
This condition interferes with daily life because of the seriousness of the changes in the brain of a person with dementia.. Behavior and personality problems most often occur. As we age, the likelihood of developing dementia increases. Validation therapy helps control problem behavior.
Time for a person with dementia can all of Why Validation Therapy Works for Those with Dementia
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