Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Access your easyceu or Certification courses on your mobile device!

Activities directors and other healthcare professionals here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professinals.Benevolant Society

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care  professionals to get an easyceu or two

If you're as busy these days as I am, you know how great it is to be able to get some of the "to-dos" off your list while waiting in line, on the train or bus, or in those few minutes between appointments.easyceu

I've come to LOVE my iPad and iPhone for this purpose.  I can read a few pages of the novel I'm really into, grab a couple of emails on the go, catch up with work or agonize about yet another obscure NY Times crossword clue.  One thing is for sure - I'm wired in and loving it! easyceu

If you're nearing your renewal month for your CEUs, take a minute of your time - from your desktop or your mobile - to check out all the new courses we offer on EasyCEU.com . easyceu  We've added a significant number of new, leadership level courses through a recent acquisition - I know you'll find them interesting, useful and value-priced, too!

We're also VERY excited about the new Certificate courses we've added, including:
Assisted Living Administrator Certification (also NAB approved!)
Assisted Living Nurse Certification
Nursing Facility Administrator in Training
Nursing Facility Director of Nursing Certification
Whether you want to advance up the career ladder yourself with these additional Certifications, or you want to build the professional skills and reputation of your team, these are valuable additions!  Imagine your resume or your team's credentials with these Certification courses listed... you get the picture!

And try getting your easyceu on your mobile phone, iPad or other on-the-go device today!

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