Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Save on groceries for activities using coupons

Activities directors and other health care professionals, here is some information you will find valuable.

As a person providing services to individuals in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or another location as well as those proving care for a loved one at home, you need to live within a budget. What better way to do this than with the use of coupons.

There are many places to get coupons including the newspaper and many online sources.

I find that I can save an average of at least ten dollars a week using coupons. In fact save on groceries using these coupons.

Cutting coupons out of the newspaper can be time consuming. Using online sources are fast and efficient especially if you use optimal sources online.
Save on groceries using these coupons.

Groceries that you use can be costly. In fact it could be one of your biggest expenses. That is why it is important to save on groceries using these coupons.

Not only do you want to save on groceries using these coupons, but you want to make sure your clients or family members are eating healthy.

Let’s say you are planning an activity with food. As you know residents as well as most folks like food. Even if they are not a big eater, sometimes an activity revolving around food stimulates the appetite.

What foods are you going to serve? You need to serve foods that almost everyone can eat. You can save on groceries by planning ahead and getting items you have coupons for.

Perhaps now that the weather is good, you want to plan a picnic or an outdoor meal. First discuss foods your target audience wants to eat then steer the discussion to foods you know the participants can eat.

You may want to have a cooking group where you can make some of the suggested foods. Before preparing the foods make sure when buying items necessary to make the dishes you are preparing, you save on groceries using coupons.

Try to make things that are easy to prepare. Try to give everyone a job to do while you are preparing the foods. Someone’s job could be reading the recipe or choosing a song to sing while you are preparing the foods.

An example of a dish you might prepare is a fruit salad. You can use fresh fruit if everyone in the group can eat it. If you have participants who are on a ground diet, use canned fruit because it is softer. Also it is easier to use because all you have to do is mix the fruits together.

Let’s say you have some participants that are on a puree diet. No problem, mix different fruit sauces together or mix fruit sauces with cool whip or yogurt.

No matter what you buy and prepare, make sure to save on groceries using coupons.

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