Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Alzheimer's Therapeutic Activities

Activities directors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals,here is some great information

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professinals,

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be


Alzheimer's Activities


•There are many different stages that a person with Alzheimer's and dementia will go through, therefore activities for individuals in the early or middle stage of the disease will differ from the end stages of Alzheimer's.

•When planning activities for the person with Alzheimer's. disease, creating routine and structure is extremely important.

•In order to improve quality of life at each stage of the disease it is important to focus on the patients strengths and abilities. It is important to look at what the patient can do, instead of what they cannot do. Planning activities is a process of trial and error involving continual exploration, experimentation and adjustment.

•Activities can be passive or active. Some patients may participate in an activity, while others may only observe or watch.

•It is important to understand that activities are not just planned activities. Activities can include life skills, such as encouraging patients to hold their tooth brush, wash cloth or to choose an item of clothing. Mealtime activities may include folding napkins, setting the table, clearing the table and washing dishes.

•Regular exercise is an important activity for overall health. It may help improve sleep and prevent restlessness.

•Walking: Take short walks if distance is a problem, and then slowly progress to longer walks. Make sure the patient, is in comfortable clothing and shoe laces are tied. If the weather does not permit, utilize the hallway of a building or an indoor shopping mall. A stroll in the wheelchair is also good exercise if the person is able to propel themselves.

•For chair exercise use props such as streamers, maracas, batons, pom-poms, canes, stretch bands, tambourines, clappers, top hats, scarves, or small hand held balls. Hand held props help develop hand strength and provides stimulating visuals for the patient.

•Music is another important activity for patients with Alzheimer's. It may help in calming the individual, bringing back memories and adding to the quality of life.

•Activities using music can include sing-a-longs and name-that-tune. Tunes should be short, catchy and easy to follow. They should also be easy to recognize and remember. Relaxing music is suggested for mealtimes and toward the end of the day.

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