Friday, May 29, 2015

A patient's prayer

Activities directors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals,here is some great information

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals,

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care professionals to get an easyceu or two

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

A Patient’s Prayer
God, source of all life and healing,

Who can help us grow in wholeness:

Be with me in this time of physical and emotional need.

Help me rest and cope with the challenges I am facing.

Comfort and encourage those who love and care for me

whose lives have been unsettled and disrupted

by my illness and hospitalization.

Guide and give wisdom to the healthcare personnel

who are committed to my treatment and well-being.

In this special moment of my need,

I pray for healing and for inner peace.

I pray for patience and for understanding.

I pray for a deepening of my faith and belief in you,

my loving God. Amen.
This prayer is offered to you by your hospital chaplains

who are also members of HealthCare Chaplaincy.

For additional spiritual care resources and information about
For some people, the thought of praying can be intimidating. To speak directly

to God can leave you speechless, not sure what words to use, where to begin

or how to end. Often, prayer does not rely on words, but on a desire to be closer

to God, reminded of God’s love and abiding care, and hopeful that God will give

you the necessary strength to cope with life’s challenges and be healed.

Your chaplains offer you the support of the following prayer, which you may use

or modify according to your own circumstances, beliefs and needs.May it serve

as a springboard for your own personal and spontaneous prayer.

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