Friday, July 24, 2015

Simple apple facts

Activities that ANYONE can do with a RESIDENT with or without dementia

Activities directors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals,here is some great information

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals,

Your residents will love the Amazon Kindle Fire

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care  professionals to get an easyceu or two

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Red Delicious Apple
I’m a conical (cone) shaped apple with a greenish-yellow background covered with red stripes. I have a firm, crisp, creamy-white flesh with a sweet juicy, highly aromatic flavour.
Jonathan Apple
I’m a small to medium round apple with a deep red skin which has faint, deep red stripes. I have a fine grained, juicy white flesh with a sweet acid flavour and I’m great eaten out of hand.
Granny Smith Apple
I’m a round, conical shaped apple with a rich green skin. I have a crisp, firm, juicy, greenish-white flesh with a distinctive acidy flavour, which makes me excellent for cooking.
Braeburn Apple
I’m a medium to large, round to conical shaped apple with a glossy, striped red blush over yellow coloured skin. I have a sweet flavour with pale cream, crisp, juicy flesh.
Bonza Apple
I’m a medium to large, flat-round apple with a bold red blush which overlays green to yellow coloured skin. I have a distinct, sweet flavour and firm, juicy, white flesh.
Pink Lady Apple
I’m a medium, round-oblong shaped apple with yellow skin overlaid with a pink to light red blush. I’m a cross between a Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, which makes me excellent for eating out of hand as I have a crisp, fine, sweet tasting flesh.
Golden Delicious Apple
I’m a medium to large, round to conical shaped apple with a pale green to yellow coloured skin with creamy-green, crisp flesh. I have a pleasant sweet flavour and good aroma. I’m great for eating out of hand or I can be used for cooking.
Fuji Apple
I’m a medium to large, flat-round to round shaped apple with a blushed dull red to crimson colour with firm, dense flesh. I have a high water and sugar content which makes me a juicy apple and my distinctive honey-sweet flavour is wonderful in stews and bakes.
Gala Apple (Royal Gala)
I’m a medium, round shaped apple. My skin colour varies slightly depending on which strain I belong to and can range from a pale, golden yellow with slight red blush, to solid brightly red blushed. I have a crisp, dense flesh with a flavour sweeter than a Delicious Apple.

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