Wednesday, December 9, 2015

More Christmas Ideas for Those with Dementia

These ideas can also be used with others who reside at a long term care facility
Therefore Activities Directors, other healthcare professionals and caregivers will find this post of interest

Activities directors and other healthcare professionals here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals.

Your residents will love the Amazon Kindle Fire 

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care  professionals to get an easyceu or two

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Christmas Ideas

Hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner.  Commericals for Christmas sales are already beginning to pop up on the TV.  Here is a great idea for Christmas gifts that can be made by your residents.
Dough Art

Dough Art is a fun activity that gives residents the chance to use their hands and imagination.  The residents may use the dough to make ornaments and give them as Christmas gifts.

·        To stimulate creativity and imagination
·        To give residents a sense of accomplishment
·        To provide sensory stimulation

Two cups of flour
One cup of salt
Large bowl
Mixing spoon
Spice, such as ginger or nutmeg (optional)
Cookie cutters
Baking sheet (optional)
Paints (optional)
Ribbon or string (optional)

Arrange chairs around a table.

1.      Ask for one or two volunteers to help make the dough.
2.      Direct the volunteers to pour the flour and salt into the bowl. Next, tell them to mix together the flour, salt and spice (optional) with the mixing spoon.  Then, direct them to add just enough water so that the mix becomes a workable dough ball.
3.      Give each resident a chance to knead the dough.  Note: knead the dough for about 10 minutes total.
Separate the dough into balls.  Give one dough ball to each resident.

           Let the residents choose from the cookie cutters or simply mold the dough by hand.
Making Ornaments
1.      Place the dough shapes onto a baking sheet. Next, make a hole at the top of each shape so it may be hung later by a ribbon or string. Then, place the baking sheet into an oven heated to 300 degrees and bake for 1 ½ hours.
2.      Remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the ornaments cool.
3.      Set the paints out.  Next, direct the residents to paint the items they made.  Then, let the items dry.
4.      Set out the ribbons or string.  Next, direct the residents to tie the ribbon or string to the top of each ornament.
5.      Suggest that the residents may want to give an ornament to a family member or friend as a Christmas gift.
6.      Ask for volunteers to help clean up.

More ideas for those with dementia and others in long term care

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