Sunday, February 21, 2016

Why is breakfast important

Activities directors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals,here is some great information

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March is National Breakfast Month

The American Dietetic Association says breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Despite the healthful benefits, breakfast may be the meal that is most often neglected or skipped. Eating breakfast not only aids in weight management, it fuels the body to help provide energy, better concentration and problem-solving ability throughout the day, according to the food and nutrition experts at the American Dietetic Association.


Forty years of breakfast related studies show that jump starting the day with breakfast benefits everyone -- children, teens and adults. "Eating breakfast is very important for the brain and the body first thing in the morning", said Los Angeles registered dietitian Gail Frank, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "Breakfast skippers often feel tired, restless or irritable in the morning."
Breakfast is the first chance the body has to refuel its blood glucose levels, also known as blood sugar, after eight to 12 hours without a meal or snack. Glucose is essential for the brain and is the main energysource. Blood glucose also helps fuel the muscles needed for physical activity throughout the day.
"Breakfast is also very important for weight loss and weight management," Frank said. "You 'break the fast' of not eating for the past eight to 12 hours. It helps curb your hunger and prevent binge eating later in the day. Breakfast is important to manage your weight and potentially lose weight by eating less calories throughout the day."

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