Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Chicken Soup for the Soul and positive thinking and inspiration

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals,

Your residents will love the Amazon Kindle Fire

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care  professionals to get an easyceu or two

Follow alzheimersideas on twitter

The Dementia Caregiver's Little Book of Hope [Kindle Edition]

We all need to be inspired in order to accomplish something. Inspiration fuels our desire to reach for our dreams even though they may have changed. It enables us to become someone we want to be. There are different sources of inspiration and one of them is from the people we met. It's great to be inspired.

Inspire others with your words. Words are powerful tool to change a person's life. To inspire others, you need to translate your message of hope through spoken or written words.

Inspire others by your example. People pay attention to your actions without you even knowing about it. In order to inspire others, you need to be a good role model for them to follow. Inspiration comes when those around you see qualities in you that are worth emulating.

Inspire others by caring. Show the residents that you care for them by your kind words and deeds to them.

Inspire others by listening actively. Listen to what your participants are telling you. Then act on what they have told you.

Inspire others by your self-confidence. A self-confident person inspires people around him by exuding positive vibes. If you believe in yourself and in your own ability, people will notice and follow you. You will inspire them to be confident in how they are and in whatever they do.

Read inspiritational stories. Chicken Soup for the Soul stories are great

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