Sunday, August 28, 2016

Roman history facts

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World History and Geography: Ancient Rome
a. Geography of the Mediterranean Region
i. Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea
ii. Greece, Italy (peninsula), France, Spain
iii. Strait of Gibraltar, Atlantic Ocean
iv. North Africa, Asia Minor (peninsula), Turkey
v. Bosporus (strait), Black Sea, Istanbul (Constantinople)
vi. Red Sea, Persian Gulf
b. Background
i. Define B.C. /A.D. and B.C.E. /C.E.
ii. The legend of Romulus and Remus
iii. Latin as the language of Rome
iv. Worship of gods and goddesses, largely based on Greek religion
                                                                               . The Republic: Senate, Patricians, Plebeians
vi. Punic Wars: Carthage, Hannibal
c. The Empire
i. Julius Caesar
a) Defeats Pompey in civil war, becomes dictator
b) "Veni, vidi, vici" ("I came, I saw, I conquered")
c) Cleopatra of Egypt
d) Caesar assassinated in the Senate, Brutus
ii. Augustus Caesar
iii. Life in the Roman Empire
a) The Forum: temples, marketplaces, etc.
b) The Colosseum: circuses, gladiator combat, chariot races
c) Roads, bridges, and aqueducts
iv. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, destruction of Pompeii
v. Persecution of Christians
d. The "Decline and Fall" of Rome
i. Weak and corrupt emperors, legend of Nero fiddling as Rome burns
ii. Civil wars
iii. City of Rome sacked
e. The Eastern Roman Empire: Byzantine Civilization
i. The rise of the Eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire
ii. Constantine, first Christian emperor
iii. Constantinople (now called Istanbul) merges diverse influences and cultures.
iv. Justinian, Justinian’s Code

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