Sunday, November 19, 2017

31 types of happiness

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Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals,

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Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

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The Dementia Caregiver's Little Book of Hope [Kindle Edition]


What Is Happiness?

What is happiness? Is it possible to define something so seemingly simple, yet, obviously complex?

Happiness is one of those experiences we just know as it happens. If you need to think about whether you’re happy, you probably aren’t at that moment.
Who can’t spout off a list of things that we think we need to be happy? It might include something as immediate as peace and quiet after a long day to something as futuristic as a beach house for retirement. And many things in between, from possessions to experiences.
Ironically, science has shown that wanting expensive things makes us happier than actually buying them, yet we still make dream boards of our ideal happy life and keep that ongoing happiness want list in our mind because the hunt for happiness makes us happy.
Happiness is elusive because there isn’t an exact recipe for it, no matter how much we want one.  Happiness changes with the moment we are in. We’ve all had we just  experiences that we thought would make us happy but didn’t. And we’ve all had experiences where we believed we’d be miserable and ironically experienced unexpected happiness instead.
Unhappiness also happens to the happiest of people. No one is a robot that operates at one emotional speed set on happy. We are meant to feel a gamut of emotions including happiness, but it also encompasses grief, pain and sadness. Sometimes, we need to feel our unhappiness, which ironically makes room for us to feel happiness too.
Before starting the Society I’m sure I tried virtually every “get happy” philosophy or how-to program available from the spiritual to the cognitive. I believed if I just did something better, smarter or faster, I’d be happy more often. While I certainly learned things in every program, none of them was going to make me happy all the time. I’ve always seen the silver lining in most situations, but apparently I didn’t want to have to look for a silver lining because life was always happy.
What I learned from my searching was that although you can’t be happy all of the time, you can be happy most of the time. If you want to be happy more, it’s easy — recognize more happiness that’s already happening.  After starting the Society I identified different types of happiness to make recognizing more happiness easier. Sometimes happiness is the relief and satisfaction we get when we finish cleaning the kitchen. Sometimes, it’s watching a child or pet do something that amuses us. Or sometimes it’s obvious such as going to a party. But, ultimately, happiness is about recognizing and experiencing moments of happiness when they happen.
If you want to recognize more happiness, start by taking your Happiness Inventory? You’ll discover you have more happy moments than you recognize.
If you want to know more about the 31 Types of Happiness, check out our Secret Society of Happy People 31 Types of Happiness Guide available in print (it’ll fit in your purse) and on your ereader.
Happiness is a diverse, complex, and wonderful moment that we experience in multiple forms everyday.
Below are the Secret Society of Happy People’s 31 Types of Happiness that you can share on your social media site (considering making one your social media icon for a day). Also, please tell us about last type of happiness that you experienced in the comments below.
The more happiness we recognize the happier we’ll be. The happier we are, the happier the world will be.
 Share Some Happiness What Is Happiness?

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Awestruck 300x300 What Is Happiness?Amused 300x300 What Is Happiness?Anticipation  300x300 What Is Happiness?
 Balanced 300x300 What Is Happiness? Blessed 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Celebratey 300x300 What Is Happiness?
 Cheerful 300x300 What Is Happiness?
 Confident 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Content 300x300 What Is Happiness? Enthusiasm 300x300 What Is Happiness? Giving 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Honorable 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Humor 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Helpful 300x300 What Is Happiness? Hopeful 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Kindness 300x300 What Is Happiness? Inspired 300x300 What Is Happiness? Joyful copy 300x300 What Is Happiness?
 Lively 300x300 What Is Happiness? Love 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Mellow 300x300 What Is Happiness? Motivated 300x300 What Is Happiness?Nostalgic 300x300 What Is Happiness?
 Peaceful 300x300 What Is Happiness?Optimistic 300x300 What Is Happiness?Relieved 300x300 What Is Happiness? Playful 300x300 What Is Happiness?
Spiritual 300x300 What Is Happiness? Satisfaction 300x300 What Is Happiness? Social 300x300 What Is Happiness?
 Thankful What Is Happiness?

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