Friday, February 2, 2018

Singing for the brain

Caregivers, and healthcare professionals, here is some great information

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professinals,

Your residents will love the Amazon Kindle Fire

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care  professionals to get an easyceu or two

Follow alzheimersideas on twitter

The Dementia Caregiver's Little Book of Hope [Kindle Edition

Alzheimer's Weekly

Using interviews with a group leader, volunteers, people with dementia and their partners, this film explains what Singing for the Brain is, as well as looking at the supportive and enjoyable atmosphere that makes it such a success.

'Singing for the Brain' is a service provided by Alzheimer's Society in approximately 30 locations, all of which use singing to bring people together in a friendly and stimulating social environment.

Singing is not only an enjoyable activity, it can also provide a way for people with dementia, along with their carers, to express themselves and socialise with others in a fun and supportive group.

For more information on Singing for the Brain, please go to

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