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When you hear the word egg, you might think of breakfast, an omelet, bacon or any number of things. This game is all about things eggs remind people with dementia of. Just about everyone has eaten or cooked with eggs or both. Thinking about eggs may remind you of certain holidays and special days as well. That is why the egg is a perfect topic.
You can really start anywhere. In June National Egg Day is celebrated. I like to start by asking group members about ways to cook eggs. Most people with dementia do not eat raw eggs. Participants might say that you can fry eggs. Now here you could ask about ways to fry eggs such as scrambled or you could go on with other ways to cook eggs like boiling them.
You could discuss what breakfast foods you make with eggs like French toast, waffles or pancakes. Pancakes and waffles could be another side discussion because there are many different foods you can mix with the batter to make different varieties of these breakfast treats. You might also put different types of toppings on as well.
Still on the topic of breakfast, you and your participants with dementia can talk about foods you eat with eggs such as ham, bacon sausage or toast. As another side discussion, you can talk about varieties of any of these things. For example, if you are talking about types of toast and what toppings you could put on toast.
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