Sunday, July 1, 2018

New CMS Tag 679 Activities for Long-Term Care Facilities

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Did you listen to the webinar on the new Ftag for activities 
AudioEducator, a division of audio conference and corporate education leader ProEdTech, will host the live webinar "Comply with New CMS Tag 679 Activities for Long-Term Care Facilities
Nursing home facilities are required to provide an ongoing program to support residents in their choice of activities, but such programs often fail to meet residents' physical, emotional, and cognitive needs—leaving them bored and lonely. To address this problem, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has revised its requirements for patient participation in long-term care facilities.
Noncompliance with CMS Tag 679 can lead to a potential scrutiny and negative outcomes. So forget the traditional, institutional group activities! Get up to speed on Tag 679 with industry expert Carmen Bowman as she explains the regulatory text, as well as five pages of interpretive guidance, in plain English. Bowman will discuss a new survey tool, the Critical Element Pathway for Activities, which surveyors use to determine if nursing facilities are meeting their residents' activity needs. By using this tool, nursing facilities too can spot—and respond to—deficiencies before they become violations!
Bowman will help nursing staff establish sound footing on the regulations, guidance, and survey protocols associated with patient participation—and become aware of the 195 references to Activities throughout the CMS requirements.
The session will help nursing home staff and physical therapists to: 
  • Understand the regulatory text of Tag 679 Activities
  • Learn the Intent of Tag 679, which now includes the 7 domains of well-being
  • Get an interpretive guidance for Tag 679
  • Make sense of the 195 references to Activities in other CMS requirements
  • Get hold of the Activities Critical Element Pathway survey tool
  • Learn best practices for individualized engagement in real-life activities
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