Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Using gratitude

Activities directors and other healthcare professionals here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals,

Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care professionals to get an easyceu or two

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be


Use this information about gratitude is important and will have a positive impact on the people you serve

Gratitude is an appreciation of someone who has done something desirable, helped us, and done a good deed. Giving thanks to somebody gives them a good feeling of being appreciated.
There is no need to wait until somebody does something that we want for us in order to say thank you. This wonderful and enchanting phrase, "thank you", can be used every day, to express gratitude for the wonderful world that illuminates our morning with beautiful rays of the sun, gratitude for our loving and supportive family, and so on. Our awareness of the wonderful things that happen in our life will only become greater and more powerful and enable us to continue to receive more of what we already have.

Expressing gratitude calms the emotions. Expressing gratitude brings us into harmony and is good for the heart and soul. Expressing gratitude opens many doors to happiness, serenity and good health.
Sometimes we give thanks in our heart - very quietly.
The effective way to feel a sense of gratitude is to change our focus towards the positive things around us that are already taking place in our lives.
Expressing gratitude as a way of coping with bad moods
Sometimes we feel depressed and out of sorts. The circumstances can be many and varied, and sometimes there may be no real reason, just that we "got out of bed on the wrong side".
There are many beautiful catchphrases: "it is all in our own hands", or "don`t take any notice of what they say about you, know your own value". These things are good and true, but people who are in a black mood are not capable of hearing advice from others. When they feel that their situation is dark and gloomy, it is hard to persuade them by means of such slogans.

We all experience a wide range of emotions, we all fall sometimes into the pit of anger, hatred, competitiveness, jealousy and fear. One of the strongest tools for getting out of this maelstrom and letting go of these difficult emotions is to express gratitude.

Being thankful is a practical action, with the power to heal body and soul. It has a magical power that can bring us out of our state of "emotional emergency".
We have to find time during the day to give thanks for all the good things in our lives, from our functional limbs to the external environment in which we live. Expressing gratitude works like a magic broom: if said wholeheartedly, it will free us from the shackles of sadness and discontent. After we give thanks for everything that exists in our lives, we will certainly reach a place of emotional serenity and balance.
Even if somebody has, for example, insulted and hurt me, I have to make the effort to find something positive. It always exists. Sometimes awareness helps to improve things or to understand new directions.
Expressing gratitude and appreciation opens many doors.
When we thank others for their actions, they immediately feel like doing more for us. Expressing gratitude is one of our tools for enhancing and increasing good things in our lives.
In fact, it works like a formula:

the more we give thanks, the more we will receive of the things we are asking for.

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