Monday, October 29, 2018

Think about National Bible Week now

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Communities are strengthened and lives are renewed by the reading of the Bible. The celebration of National Bible Week is an annual opportunity to encourage everyone in your community to begin, or to begin again, to read the Bible.

Started in 1941, National Bible Week is celebrated from Sunday to Sunday of Thanksgiving week. Many national events highlight the importance of this week – such as the issuing of a Presidential message, the entering of statementsinto the Congressional Record, and our annual dinner in New York City.

But the real celebration of National Bible Week happens when real people begin to read the Bible.

Local activities focus the attention of the community on the Bible’s spiritual, moral, and cultural values, and inspire people to engage the world’s greatest book.

You can help encourage Bible reading in your community!Here are some activities and events that will encourage everyone to read the Bible for themselves. Get involved in as many of these activities and events as possible.We encourage you to assemble a broad-based group representing all faith traditions using the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.

Adapt the suggestions below for your community. Share with us what you do and we’ll feature iton our website. Email us at orwrite us at National Bible Association, 405 LexingtonAvenue, New York, NY 10174. 212-907-6427.(continued)

Request your public librarian to create a display of available books about the Bible (commentaries, Bible atlases,study helps) or literature inspired by biblical themes.

Encourage civic clubs such as Rotary, Lions, etc. todevote a meeting during National Bible Week to a speakerwho will develop a Bible-related theme such as the varietyof English translations, or the use of biblical principles inbusiness, etc.

Arrange for a community theater group or college drama club to perform a biblical play, or arrange for a freepublic showing of a film with a biblical theme.

Ask a community choral group or organize a mass choirfrom several houses of worship to present a public concert inwhich all selections are musical settings of biblical texts

Conduct a Bible reading marathon – a cover to cover,non-stop reading of the entire Bible – in a public place such asthe courthouse steps or in a shopping mall. The event takesapproximately 90 hours.

Create a ‘community Bible’ by asking individuals tohand-write the verses. In a larger community, youth groups ofvarious houses of worship could each take responsibility fora book of the Bible. In a smaller community, portions of theBible could be handwritten each year during November untilthe Bible is completed. The finished product might be presentedand permanently displayed in the public library.

Enlist volunteers to regularly read the Bible to theelderly who live alone or in retirement or nursing homes.

Organize a drive to collect used Bibles to be sent topeople who cannot afford to purchase a Bible of their own. Contact your state or regional Bible society or the BibleFoundation for additional information on where and how toship the used Bibles you collect.

Secure permission to use display cases at local shopsor churches to create a public display of unique Bibles ownedby community residents – antiques, large, small, differentlanguages, diglots (two languages in one edition), one carriedthrough a war.

Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaperexplaining how the Bible has impacted American culture andwhy it is important to celebrate National Bible Week.

Provide copies of National Bible Week public serviceradio announcements to each radio station in your community.Enlist a local business person to hand deliver the spots to thestation managers. Contact us at toobtain the spots.

Send press releases to all local media including informa-tion about each of the local activities you have planned. Be sureto provide the name of a contact person.

A sample press releaseis included in the National Bible Week Resource Packet.405 Lexington Avenue • 26th Floor • New York, NY 10174 • Phone: (212) 907-6427 • Fax: (212) 898-1147 • •©1997-2007 National Bible Association.

All rights reserved.National Bible association NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK™Sunday to Sunday of Thanksgiving week each year.

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