Friday, December 14, 2018

Strategies for Having An Enjoyable Christmas With Those Who Have Dementia

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We all benefit from sharing
Christmas with someone we care about. The smells, the
sounds, and the sights bring back happy memories. People
with dementia should have this opportunity too. Following
these tips will ensure you and your loved one with Alzheimer’s
disease or another dementia a pleasurable holiday season.
Use these tips ti help you choose a gift they will enjoy now and
in days and months to come.
The gift of yourself is one of the
best gifts you can give so do
things together.
One thing you can do is decorate for Christmas together
There is nothing like the excitement of preparing for the Christmas holiday
In order to make the decorating experience for someone with Alzheimer’s
disease or a related dementia, better, follow these tips:
Have most of the decorating complete before you involve the dementia
person. Then they can help you with the finishing touches.
Buy unbreakable ornaments. They are much safer. However, if your
dementia friend likes to put inedible objects in his mouth, do not use any
Do not use candy canes or any edible decorations on the tree. Do not use ones that even look edible
What safe things can you use?
In most cases, garland is safe
Angels made out of material are most likely appropriate.
Here is another activity you do together. Make ornaments out of old Christmas cards, together...
Cut out the pictures on the front. Punch a hole near the top of the picture and put string or ribbon through
the hole. You can then hang these homemade ornaments on the tree.
You know the person with Alzheimer’s disease the best. You know what is most likely appropriate.
You can have two trees. Keep the room to the one with the traditional decorations locked unless you or
someone can supervise the person with dementia.
Here is something else you can do together. You can have the person with dementia put Christmas
window clings up. You and the dementia person can display unbreakable Christmas knickknacks.
Yet another idea is to make a tree out of paper and display pictures from past Christmases. This is not
only fun to look at, but it is a great opportunity for reminiscing. This kind if tree is very safe
Share in the joy of the decorations of others
If decorating is too much for you, or you feel that your decorations are not safe, or you want something
wonderful to do, you can drive around town spotting all the decorations families, merchants, schools, town
centers and libraries are displaying. Stay away from crowded malls, however.
Sing favorite Christmas carols often
Most families have favorite songs they sing. Even if a person with Alzheimer’s disease or another
dementia is non verbal, he or she may be able to sing most of the words to a favorite song. Singing is a
great activity. It lifts spirits and is good for the lungs.
Pray with them.
Most folks with dementia have strong ties to their religion. Even those with advanced dementia may
spontaneously recite portions of a prayer service that was part of their past.
The problem may be to find a service that is appropriate. The traditional service is long and crowded.
Here are a few suggestions
Go at the beginning or end of the service. That is when the least amount of parishioners are in
Contact some assisted living or nursing homes in the area. Many of them have short simple services
highlighting the important prayers. This is a win, win situation. You can see what a place is like, and all of Strategies for Having An Enjoyable Christmas With Those Who Have Dementia

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