Thursday, January 17, 2019

How to make a football pool for the Super Bowl

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A football pool is a fun way to get everyone involved in the super bowl game.  Be sure to include that you’ll be doing a pool in your football party invitations.  The most common type of betting pool one displayed on a 10 x 10 grid with numbers along both the top and left side of the page.  You can sell the squares for any amount you wish.  $1.00 per square is a typical amount.  This puts $100 in the pool.
The object of this pool is to have the combination of number that match the last numbers in the score of the game. Payouts are based on the score of each team at the end of each quarter. Please note that the digit used is always the second number. For example, if a team has 17 points at the end of the quarter, the 7 is used to determine the winner. You can make the payouts equal for each quarter, but it is also common to have a larger payout for the end of the game.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Television- to watch the game of course!
  • Colored Pens
  • Construction Paper
  • Permanent Markers
  • Poster Boards
  • Colored pens
  • Permanent markers

Making the Grid:

Step 1: Get pens and a large piece of blank paper.
Step 2: Draw a 10-by-10 grid.
Step 3: Write the numbers 0 through 9 across the top, above each square.
Step 4: Write the numbers 0 through 9 along the left side of the grid, next to each square.
Step 5: Write one Super Bowl team’s name at the top and the other on the left side.
Step 6: Sell each square for one unit, which will provide a 100-unit payoff. Players may want to acquire more than one square; it’s best to use all squares.
Step 7: Write the initials of the buyer in the corresponding square.
Final Step: As you Watch the game and enjoy the commercials,  match the last digit of each team’s final score with the grid to decide the winner. For example, a score of Team A 13, Team B 26, would mean finding the square where 3 on the vertical scale meets 6 on the horizontal. If Mike chose the space where these two numbers meet, he’s the winner.  Remember you can also do this at the end of each quarter or at half time and the final score.

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