Thursday, January 3, 2019

January is hot tea month

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Have a tea party and use these tea facts for a discussion

January is hot tea month. There is no question about the popularity of tea as it is the most consumed liquid in the world after water. There are many varieties as herbal, green, black, white, red, oolong…, but which ones offer the most benefit and nutrition?

Teas such as black, white, green and oolong come from a plant called Camellia sinensis. The leaves, used for tea, contain polyphenols which are a anti-cancer antioxidants. The way you can tell if a tea is processes is that it will become very dark. The white and green teas are the least processed. The white tea comes from the very young spring leaves that are steamed very quickly. Still all the teas mentioned at the first part of this paragraph contain polyphenols. Many people don’t realize that these teas rank as high (sometimes higher) than fresh fruits and vegetables in antioxidant potential.

Many teas that we refer to as herbal teas are not even teas, but plant infusions made from herbs, flowers, roots and spices. The “herbal teas” do not generally contain caffeine. However, the other teas do. Yet, it is less cup for cup of coffee. 40 mg of caffeine is contained in the average cup of tea as opposed to coffee which has 85 mg. If you must have sweetener in your tea, try raw honey which will give you many health benefits as opposed to white sugar or even processed honey.

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