Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Donut Facts for Donut Day

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The Dementia Caregiver's Little Book of Hope [Kindle Edition]

Donut Day is celebrated the first Friday in June
Image result for donut pictures

Shipley Donuts
                               Donut Fun Facts
    1. The weight of the average kitchen rolling pin is .48 pounds.
       The weight of the Shipley Donut rolling pin is 3.6 pounds.
    2. It is thought that in remote areas of Brazos County there
       are certain individuals that secretly worship pagan donut gods.
    3. The approximate size of the donut hole is 16/20 ".
    4. Scientific studies show that people who eat Shipley donuts 
       have a much higher I.Q. than those who eat those other nameless
       yucky brands.
    5. The Bryan and College Station Shipley Donuts produce more than 
       3 million donuts every year.
    6. Donuts promote world peace.
    7. The average donut lover in the Brazos Valley consumes about 56 
       donuts per year.
    8. Bear claws are loved most by bears.
    9. National Doughnut Day is June 23rd.
    10. The shape of the wedding band symbolizes eternal love and 
        happiness. The shape of the donut also symbolizes eternal love 
        and happiness. It is therefore very appropriate to give your 
        sweetie donuts on Valentines Day as well as for anniversaries.

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