Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Watermelon art project

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals,

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Activities directors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, here is an easy fun art project for those in long term care with or without dementia

The above watermelon picture was from a shopping list tablet

Here is the a poem made up by a group of residents
We like our watermelon
cold juicy and sweet
We cannot wait to bite in
with our teeth
Yum yum, let's eat

Use this clip art as a base for the picture. Make copies of it,at least two for each participant.

Cut out the picture minus the rind. Place it on top of a red piece of paper. Cut a red piece the size of the white graphic

Pste it on another watermelon clip art paper. Have the participants draw seeds on it with black magic marker. Alternatly use black stickers for seeds.

You may want to cut offthe black outline of the rind and draw a green line for the skin representation in the picture. Paste a poem about watermelons on the paper if you desire. Making up some watermelon poems can be part of this project or done on another day
Alternately this project can be done in assembly line fashion. Each person has a job matching his/her skill level/
Or you can have a volunteer do most of the project and have the residents draw the seeds or save whatever job you think they can handle.

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