Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be
Here is a way for nurses administrators, social workers and other health care professionals to get an easyceu or two
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Here are some easy, yet fun things to do together
10. Arrange flowers real of fake. You can use red, white and blue flowers to make the bouquet or centerpiece look patriotic.
9. Plan a picnic or a party from beginning to end
8. Have a picnic perhaps using the ideas from your plans. If the person with dementia does not want to go outside, no problem, have the picnic inside.
7. Go to the beach if it is warm enough or the park. Go at off times to avoid the crowd. Again if you fear a negative reaction to going to the beach, bring the beach to your home. Get some sand, sea shells and other beach paraphernalia.
6 Have a small get together at home. Hire or have someone to assist the ADRD person.
5. Draw some patriotic pictures. You can use paints, magic markers or crayons. Fireworks are easy to draw.
4. Read a patriotic story or poem. Create your own story or poem.
3. Discuss a simple recipe. See how many ingredients you can name. Give hints as necessary. Make a simple dish together.
2. Watch a musical patriotic movie. Suggestions are: Yankee Doodle Dandy and Stars and Stripes Forever
They may have to be watched in segments depending on the attention span of the dementia person.
1. Make a list of all the patriotic songs you know. Give hints to the impaired person as necessary. A good book for tips on how to do this is Adorable Photographs of Our Baby-Meaningful,Mind-Stimulating Activities and More for the Memory Challenged,Their Loved Ones,and Involved Professionals Then listen to and sing these songs.
Remember all activities are person appropriate. Therefore knowing their likes and dislikes is helpful.
Also you must be flexible. If things do not go as planned, have a backup plan.
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